{{ cataloginfo.proname }}
{{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalognewpricedivtotal}} {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalogpricenew}} Deal Price {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{(catalognewpricedivtotal * (1 - cataloginfo.extra_rate)).toFixed(2) }}

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Pay Later From {{item.currency_symbol}}{{ (item.discount_price/4).toFixed(2) }}
{{ item.rate }}
{{ assembleNum(item.salenum) }} sold
New tech 4c Kinky Hairline Wig, also called 4C Natural Curly Edges Wig has actually curly starts out from the root and has curly edges, apply textured curly hairline baby hair instead of straight, more realistic. Hidden hd lace kinky hairline, super realistic wigs for women. The curly edges really make this unit look natural, it look even better after you flat ironed the little crimps. This hair look like it’s growing out of your scalp.
{{ cataloginfo.proname }}
{{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalognewpricedivtotal}} {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{catalogpricenew}} Deal Price {{cataloginfo.curr}}{{(catalognewpricedivtotal * (1 - cataloginfo.extra_rate)).toFixed(2) }}
Please Note: For wigs and hair bundles, please stretch the hair to straight first then measure the longest hair from the top to the bottom.